About us
Archive of shows
How to hear us!

There are 3 ways to listen to the podcast (MP3 file):

Visit our podcast host where you just press play and wait a minute or two depending on your connection:
(the site features a stand alone audio player for instant listening)

Or click 'Listen now!' on any podcast page from the archive.
(Plays the MP3 in a new window)

The best method:
If you have iTunes (free software) simply go to the Podcast Directory and search for Not In Nottingham then you can click ‘update’ to easily download each new show.

Vas is a Podcast?

A podcast or Podcasting, a portmanteau of Apple's "iPod" and "broadcasting", is a method of publishing files to the Internet, allowing users to subscribe to a feed and receive new files automatically by subscription, usually at no cost. Not In Nottigham is recorded live and then saved as an Mp3 file and made availble by the above methods.

Any problems or questions please get in touch: