Not In Nottingham Podcast

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Featured Bands:
Escapologists, Sub Rosa, Scout Niblett, Poppy Seed, I S M N, kws, Tom's mum, Mr Jones, Twinkle, Santero, Sweet Briar......  
“yes it's the 6th show recorded live at Via Vaudeville! HQ in the industrial heart of Notts. Some incredible Notts tunes with a bit of Leicester thrown in, Spencer takes science back outside and learns about gravity, Dan's computer melts, our microwave gets quarantined, we say an emotional goodbye to radio's greatest competition (twice), Pod Idol is launched, Tom's mum doesn't win Pod Idol, we find out who's got badittude, Chaffe and Blue tell us what's going on, where it's going on at and at what time it all starts, we catch up with Majik backstage at Rock City, we slur our words during a visit to opus, we find out about the incident that ruined Chaffe's day at angel row and all the while Buttsy snaps his heart out. Still with good people still with good banter and yes it is, as always, still all for nowt.”
- Not In Nottingham Team
GET IN TOUCH! New tune? Upcoming gig? Cultural event taking place? Want a crack at recording something for the show? Tom Whalley is waiting by his computer for you... please he needs to eat:

*Just press play and wait a minute or two depending on your connection. If you have iTunes simply go to the Podcast Directory and search for Not In Nottingham then you can click ‘update’ to easily download each new show. Any problems or questions please get in touch:
Proudly Hosted by Via Vaudeville!